Monday, June 22, 2009




我痛恨自己没有在醒来的时候叫醒他,我心疼的让他再睡一下,他就永远得睡过去了。我最欣赏他的认真负责,成了看不见的杀手, 该怨谁?恨谁?怪谁呢?

我们一起在广告公司玩设计,他的创意、我的完稿、我们的搭配是那么完美,以至于公司的上上下下把我们自然而然的送作堆……我喜欢的是他的拼劲,和他曾出不穷的点子,而且,他的幽默会在生活中随时随地出现,每每让我惊喜不止, 却万万没有想到,在我们的婚礼上,他也开了一个最残忍的玩笑……








他几乎是每天加班到早上六点才回家,迷迷糊糊睡到中午又回公司继续上班。连续一个礼拜终于交出了所有的设计稿,也交接所有的业务,离我们的婚礼只剩下不到三十个小时,我劝他什么是都别管,还是先睡一下吧!我们如何相信一个年轻力壮,从无宿疾的顽强生命,一睡成永眠婚礼。倒数计时的最后一天,他一睡就没有醒过来,他睡了十二个小时,清晨我醒来时,悄悄过去吻他,他的鼻息还非常均匀,可爱的长睫毛还闪一两下,好像在梦中还有什么歪点子一样,我觉得幸福塞满胸臆。漫长的做脸、上妆、弄头发过程,其实他可以不必陪我,弄完我去美容院旁的饭店休息室等他来就可以了。没想到我在饭店等了一个小时,手机和家中电话都没人接,他的亲戚一个也不见,后来,我才知道,他们一到家,发现 他已经没有呼吸,连忙送到医院,医生判断是时下流行的过劳死,在连续加班后回家睡觉,一睡就成永眠。




对了,今天听到一个悲伤的消息。广告界的好青年,又挂了一人了。此人是联旭的,是业务还是设计我也搞不清楚,来过我们公司几次。前几天在连续加班后的某晚, 回家睡觉后第二天就叫不醒,挂了。奇的是,约二个月前,也是联旭的一位女生业务,也是这样,不过她是离职后第二天,还是第几天,睡一觉就起不来了。医生说是猝死,推测是过劳。






Friday, June 12, 2009

Can You Benefit From Knowing About Your Past Life?

Almost all cultures of the word from Japanese to Australian and African to Aborigines believe in reincarnation. Whether it’s a Wiccan or a Hindu, every religion believes that all of us have lived in the past as different people and that past life has made us what we are today.

What you are now and who you believed you are now is an influence of your past life including your health, your mental well being, and your social interactions are all influenced by your past life. This is why it is important to know yourself, who you are and what you are in the past, to be able to make yourself better and stronger in this current life.

Past Life Regression - How can you tell you have a past life? You may not be able to, but in many cases you will have disturbing dreams, or memories while you’re awake that do not belong to you. Many people who believe in reincarnation believe that we all have past lives (though if you do the math, it’s more probable that there are at least some new souls!) Other indications:

* Are you strongly attracted to a specific culture or place that does not hold any place of importance in your present life? For instance you may be crazy about Mesopotamian art but not really understand why. Delve further into the aspects that interest you about that art and the time period you are interested in. If you can zero on a narrow range, we may have some clue.

* Unusual reactions or peculiar response to a historical event that happened centuries ago. This reaction may be explained by the involvement you might have in your past life.

* Some inexplicable fears which have no bearing in the present life and are not connected to your childhood. Allergies and physical problems may also be connected with your past life.

This is by no means an exhaustive list, and just the fact that you have one of these indicators does not mean you are remembering a past life. Look for patterns in your life, ranges of things that attract you for no good reason, and you may start to home in on similarities that will help you piece together an idea of what your past life or lives may have been.

Self-hypnosis can help you to access the past life you once had. If you can not do it, ask for somebody to help you through hypnosis. Most of the therapists who do past life regression are specialists as well in helping people know their past life. They usually do it by using a form of deep hypnotic procedure.

If you are planning to use self hypnosis then try to use something that can deeply relax you. First learn to relax deeply and then only attempt regression.

In terms of safety there is nothing significant to worry about. What should happen is that you experience a past life vividly as if you were actually back in time. Although it may not be this intense you should still be able to experience ‘shadows’ and ‘feelings’ of a past life.

As you recall your life in the past, it will generate after effects in your feelings. If you feel good, your past life could have been good. If you feel bad after the process, your past life could have been bad as well. Although some memories and past life events are not good for you, it does not mean that you will have the same bad fate in the current life. It is only a recollection of your past life for your benefits.

It is the remembering of this past life, which is important; and once you have remembered, you can start to move on. It is only the subconscious suppression of these memories which causes problems. By understanding and accepting what happened in the past you can start to experience this present life with a totally different outlook.

There is a theory of ‘Karma’ which says that, if we were good people in one life, and committed kind and positive acts, then we will have ‘good Karma’ and subsequently, we will receive ‘good’ in all future lives - unless we change and become ‘bad’ people! If that happens, personal Karma changes and negative events will hound us throughout future lives until we have suffered enough to atone and revert back to being a ‘good soul’.

However, there is often confusion by people over this interpretation. We are not destined to be bad or deserve to suffer because of a past life. With each new life we are literally born anew and it is our own choice to do the things you do. Once you realize that a certain memory is from a previous life, and you are not a ‘bad’ person now, then you can go on to have a ‘good’ life in the present.